Built with Rayna 🔥
Some Loveee from 8600+ satisfied users
dashboard designs got ridiculously easy with @rayna_ui especially with the tables. life's sweet
thank you to the team @Rayna_UI, you're making my work more seamless and mature
The design system, is very clean and minimal. Eady readilable as i can scan through the asset with few mouse panout and get what i need out of it asap. This is a big complimentary effort to my current workflow. Can't wait for what the team would deliver for version 2.
I just saw the motion video for Rayna. To be honest, I'm blown. That's a lot of resources for smart peeps
It's really clear and organised, seeing the documentation is really helpful. Great job!
WIP. Tried using @Rayna_UI design system for this particular design and I'm loving it
Took time out to check out @Rayna_UI design system and truly loads of work has been put into it. Well done team.
Simple, easy to use. It doesn't matter if you are not UII focused person, the documentations are detailed and helps a lot.
just cooked a dashboard with @rayna_ui. the most seamless thing I've done this year
Rayna Range.....designed with @rayna_Ui . transform your designs with Rayna UI v1.0 for free
This is a special shout-out to @Rayna_UI team.....that's proper work, too detailed and it's free
So last night I did. a thing with @Rayna_UI. the customer testimonial section was inspired by @ozenua_ . this design system is actually designing
This work you and your team put into this is amazing. I have the file now and I can say this will help a lot. If you're a designer, check @Rayna_UI, visit the website on the bio, and get the figma file once you enter your email. You'll be glad you have the file